Etiqueta "IES José de Churriguera"

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Let’s Educommunicate: IES José de Churriguera 2nd AD – The Cube

Radio Churri. Welcome to «Let’s educommunicate!”. This is a group of second year Compulsory Secondary School from IES José de Churriguera. This is Radio Churri and the Community Radio Station of Leganés, ECO Leganés. Today, we are going to speak about women and human

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Let’s Educommunicate: IES José de Churriguera 1st CD – The Cube

Radio Churri. Welcome to «Let’s educommunicate!”. This is a group of first year Compulsory Secondary School from IES José de Churriguera. This is Radio Churri and the Community Radio Station of Leganés, ECO Leganés. These students speak about animal abuse,

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Taller motivación y autoestima

FAPA Leganés. El jueves 27 abril a las 17h en el IES José de Churriguera. Colaboran: Formadoras Capacitadas. Ayuntamiento de Leganés. Taller incluido dentro del programa de actividades de la Semana de la Discapacidad. Apúntate a través del mail

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