Let’s Educommunicate!

Let’s Educommunicate!


We are students from José de Churriguera Secondary School and we study the first year of Compulsory Secondary School. We are going to do a radio programme in English. Today, we are going to speak about our school, the Terracota Warriors from Xian and we are going to play a radio story. We hope you will enjoy this programme.

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ECO Leganés presenta…


Un proyecto de educomunicación para los centros educativos leganenses.

8th May, 2017

We are students from José de Churriguera Secondary School and we study the first year of Compulsory Secondary School. We are going to do a radio programme in English. Today, we are going to speak about our school, the Terracota Warriors from Xian and we are going to play a radio story. We hope you will enjoy this programme.

Dowload it (20.5 MB)



27th April, 2017

We are students from José de Churriguera Secondary School and we study the first year of Compulsory Secondary School. We are going to do a radio programme in English. Today, we are going to speak about two artists, Ed Sheeran and Bruno Mars, and the film ‘Divergent’. We hope you will enjoy this programme.

Download it (19 MB)


25th April, 2017

This is a group of first year students from José de Churriguera Secondary School. We are going to do this radio programme in English and we hope you enjoy it. Today we are going to read the news, speak about some athletes and we will listen to a radio story written by our classmates.

Download it (16.9 MB)


20th April, 2017

Welcome to “Let’s educommunicate!” We are a group of students from José de Churriguera secondary school in Leganés. We study the third year of secondary school and this is our second radio programme in English. Today we are going to speak about the Mediterraneum, we are going to tell you some things about our school, we want to speak about refugees, and finally we want to talk about our town, Leganés.

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27 de marzo, 2017

Un grupo de estudiantes de 2º y 4º de ESO del IES José de Churriguera de Leganés nos traen su particular parodia de uno de los más terroríficos y devastadores desastres que la humanidad ha presenciado, la erupción del Vesubio en Pompeya del año 79 desde Al Rojo Vivo.

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24 de febrero, 2017

Un grupo de corresponsales de 2º de secundaria del IES José de Churriguera de Leganés nos trae un programa de radio relacionado con el Mediterráneo, tema sobre el cual se hace un proyecto en este centro. Nos hablan de refugiados, entrevistan a algunos profesores, educadores y alumnos sobre este tema y nos leen algunos mitos clásicos.

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14th December, 2016

Ladies and gentlemen this is “Let’s educommunicate!”. This is a group of students of third year secondary school from José de Churriguera secondary school in Leganes. Today, we are going to listen to some of the best songs, we are going to speak about cars, videogames and we are travelling to Korea.

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13 de mayo de 2016

ECO Leganés participa en las actividades culturales del CEPA Rosalí­a de Castro de Leganés. Se realizó este programa cuyo objetivo era dar voz a las personas asistentes el 13 de mayo de 2016.

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29 de abril de 2016

ECO Leganés participa en las actividades culturales del CEPA Rosalí­a de Castro de Leganés. Se realizó este programa cuyo objetivo era dar voz a las personas asistentes el 29 de abril de 2016.

Descárgalo (45.6 Mb)

20th May, 2015

Ladies and gentlemen this is “Let’s educommunicate!”. This is a group of third year secondary school from La Serna School in Fuenlabrada. Today we are going to listen to the top ten songs of the class, then we are interviewing our language assistants, after we are going to bring you some news about celebrities, you will also have the opportunity to listen to some information about the Champions League, and, eventually, we are going to speak about films.

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24th February, 2014

This is a group of administrative assistant students from Luis Vives Vocational Training school. We introduce our English Language Assistant Lisa. After that, you can listen to a horror story. Then, the time for football, the Champions League. Later, we tell you our opinion about our school. Eventually, we travel to New Zealand.

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22nd April, 2013

Hello, we are here again. This is «Let’s educommunicate!«. We are a group of students from IES Parque de Lisboa in Alcorcón and we are studying 4th year of Secondary School.

Today we are going to speak about The Beatles, because it is the fiftieth anniversary of the release of their first album. We will also speak about experiences in the past.

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17th December, 2012

This is «Let’s educommunicate!» and we are a group of students of 4th year Secondary School from IES Parque de Lisboa in Alcorcón. We introduce ourselves, then we speak about our favorite music, addictions, our favorite football teams: Football Club Barcelona and Real Madrid and our favorite Music Festival: Tomorrowland. We also interview our English Language Assistants Marisa, Ari and James.

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21st May, 2012

A group of students of second and third year Secondary School at IES Gabriel García Marquez run ‘Let’s educommunicate!’ this time. They speak about The Lion King, the music artists Bruno Mars, Adele and Porta and they finish the programme speaking about Real Madrid.

Download it (28.8 MB)

18th May, 2012

A group of students of first year Administrative Management from IES Luis Vives bring us a magazine with interesting topics: Pau Gasol and Prince Royce. They interview their English Language Assistants, Sam from New York State and Lauren from Liverpool, and they also interview their English teacher Rubén from Leganés.

Download it (32.3 MB)

27th April, 2012

A group of students of English Extension II from Siglo XXI High School bring us national, international and sport news, the weather forecast, some advertisements, the music chart and they also interview their English language assistant.

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21 de abril de 2012

Os presentamos a dos grupos (alrededor de cincuenta alumnos) del Programa de Enriquecimiento Educativo para Alumnos con Altas Capacidades. Primero un grupo de alumnos de 5º de primaria y después un grupo de 6º de primaria.

5º de primaria.

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6º de primaria.

Descárgalo (22.8 MB)

14th March, 2012

A group of students from IES Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez speak about themselves and about some interesting topics.

Download it (12 MB)

7 de febrero de 2012

Un grupo de alumnos/as de 4º de ESO del Colegio Legamar realizan una campaña escolar contra la contaminación en la que incluyen el siguiente espacio radiofónico.

Descárgalo (12.9 MB)

21st June, 2011

A group of students of third year Secondary School from Siglo XXI High School speak about their favourite music, their summer holidays, computers and TV habits, Ecuador and China.

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7 de junio de 2011

Un grupo de alumnos de 1º de ESO del IES Siglo XXI nos traen su visión sobre el paro, nos hablan del CP Lepanto, de fútbol, de videojuegos y de sus cantantes favoritos.

Descárgalo (20.2 MB)

31st May, 2011 – in the afternoon

A group of students of first and second year Secondary School from Gabriel García Márquez High School introduce themselves, their teachers and the subjects they study. They also speak about their favourite TV Series. Finally, they speak about sports: tennis and football.

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31st May, 2011 – in the morning

A group of students of third year Secondary School from Siglo XXI High School speak about holidays, sports, films and they also bring us the recipe of an easy chocolate cake.

Download it (13.9 MB)

24 de mayo de 2011

Un grupo de estudiantes de 3º de Diver del IES Siglo XXI de Leganés nos traen su visión sobre «la ley del tábaco», la «ley Sinde» y la igualdad.

Descárgalo (28 MB)

17th May, 2011

Some students of English Extension 1 from Siglo XXI High School run «Let’s educommunicate!» in English. They speak about their high school, sports, they present their own top 5 and finally they comment this radio experience.

Download it (16.7 MB)

16 de mayo de 2011

En esta ocasión Paola del IES Siglo XXI visita la Emisora Comunitaria de Leganés para vivir su primera experiencia en radio. Nos lee «Amor eterno», nos cuenta cómo es su instituto y nos habla de un taller de música que han hecho en su centro con Pancho Varona.

Descárgalo (12.4 MB)

26 de abril de 2011

Un grupo de estudiantes de 1º de ESO del IES Siglo XXI se describen en inglés, nos hablan de música, de videojuegos, de una telenovela y además nos traen la receta de la sambusa de Somalia.

Descárgalo (18.3 MB)

15 de marzo de 2011

Un grupo de estudiantes de 4º de Diver del IES Siglo XXI nos trae su opinión sobre el IVA y las subidas de impuestos, nos hablan del terremoto de Japón y nos cuentan cómo es su instituto.

Descárgalo (20.4 MB)

1st March, 2011

Three students of 1st year of Secondary School from Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez High School run «Let’s educommunicate!» in English. They introduce themselves and they speak about the things they like.

Download it (7.4 MB)

15th February, 2011

Some students of 1st year of Secondary School from the English Section in María Zambrano High School run «Let’s educommunicate» in English. They read some poems written on Saint Valetine’s Day and they also present their opinion about the present year at school.

Download it (17.5 MB)

1st February, 2011

This time some students of English Extension 1 from Siglo XXI High School run «Let’s educommunicate!» in English. They speak about their high school, the music they like, their favourite football teams, shocking experiences, etc.

Download it (14.9 MB)

25 de enero de 2011

¡Educomuniquemos! comienza su andadura con algunos estudiantes de 2º de ESO del IES Pablo Neruda de Leganés, que vienen con su profesor Santiago de Imagen y Comunicación. Nos traen su visión de «la brecha social» en el sistema feudal de la Edad Media.

Descárgalo (11.5 MB)

22nd March, 2010

Alba, Rodrigo, Andrea, Javier, Soraya, Marta and Paloma are students of English Extension 2 in Marí­a Zambrano Secondary School in Leganés. They speak about their school, education, gender role, chocolate fondue and many other things. Listen to this radio programme and enjoy it!

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